Friday, February 11, 2011

A War Breaks Out In Muye

A war breaks out in China. Duke of Zhou led an army of 50,000 men and was much more powerful. The ruler of the Shang Di Xin army was at war in the east but he still had 530,000 men to defend the capital of Yin. Di Xin gave slaves weapons to protect the capital. The Duke of Zhou believes that his army is trained more powerfully and will be successful in taking down the Shang army.
Some of the Shang fighters held there spears and weapons upside down, as a sign of giving up on fighting. Some of the soldiers joined the Zhou because the Zhou is trained to win the battle. The rest of the Shang fought for Yin, which is leading to a very bloody battle.
Di Xin the ruler of the Shang got forced to flee. The remaining Shang troops fell into further chaos. The Zhou was becoming more and more victories. The Zhou moral is much higher than the Shang. Di Xin knew that the Shang would become in ruins soon.
Di Xin placed valuable jewelry on himself putting his palace on fire along with burning himself. Shang officials were released without charges. The imperial rice storage was opened and feed the starving. Some Shang officials soon worked as Zhou officials.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily,
    Your story still sounds like a report. I suggest you write your story about the Battle of Muye. You could then use the rest of the information as background for the event, or, write about Wu's death and use the rest as background. Otherwise, the story takes place mostly in the future which is impossible.
